Resident Rescue Initiative
Helping residents and fellows who get sick or injured.
The Resident Rescue Initiative exists to help residents and fellows who get seriously sick or injured during or just after training.

What Resident Rescue offers:

Direct Support
Get free fund raising, financial planning and legal assistance for residents in need.

Tax-deductible Donations
Donations made through Resident Rescue are tax deductible. This allows donors to contribute up to twice as much at the same cost, versus a GoFundMe campaign. Funds raised under Resident Rescue are tax deductible to the person making the donation.

Resident Rescue Network and Matching Funds
Get access to matching funds.

Financial Literacy for Physicians in Training Lecture Series
Feeling financially dialed in for training is an essential part of resident wellness. Our lecture series helps residents to identify, understand and execute the high priority items that most need to be addressed during training, such as: student loan strategies, moonlighting considerations, the importance of umbrella and disability insurance, and avoiding common financial mistakes during training.
Please contact us if you know a resident who has suffered a severe injury or illness.